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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Virtual Worlds - Informative Links - Next Gen Social Media!

Let's start off by saying:  Second Life is Social Media!!!

Some links have been sent out individually.  This serves to put some of these links into a single place for reference.  Be informed on the developments of virtual technologies, and their uses that are business-related, educational, and other endeavor-related.  This form of social media could be a part of all of our lives relatviely soon.

They links (many ar dated) are here to document a history, and provide information for folks to piece together the importance of the technology.  The progression of events is critical to the understanding of the technology.  We currently have 6 servers running OpenSim for both development and commercial use.  We currently serve approximately 100 regions.  Regions are FREE! in OpenSim.

See what Gartner thinks:

The development of OpenSimulator has progressed dramatically.  OpenSim is, basically, the reverse-engineered OpenSource version of Second Life.  Though still in alpha phase of development, it offers more power than Second Life can offer.  See what OpenSim is:

Now this is significant! Needs work, but works great!

So what does Linden Labs think about OpenSim?  How will their business model change?  Take a look here:

How is it all going to work together?  Interoperability? Here: Hence we will have hypergrid:

Though this interview was conducted a while ago, a lot has progressed since then with IBM:

Yeah, INTEL is involved as well:

See what the CEO from Google has to say about virtual worlds and the world environment:

Other companies that are involved in virtual worlds:

    Much work is being done as far as the use of virtual technologies.  In education, many articles have been published.  Many more articles will be published.  Take a look at this journal:

    If you need help getting started, or want more information, please check out:

    Look at the size of this castle being built in OpenSim.  You just can't do this in Second Life.  The castle will serve as a global meeting place for a large corporation.  Hundreds of thousands will be saved through a virtual meeting at this location::
